Story Capsules is a nationwide, voluntary initiative driven by American high school students, dedicated to recording the personal histories of our wisest community members—older adults. Our mission is to bridge the gap between the youngest and oldest generations, fostering connection and understanding through the preservation of stories.

Founded in 2023, Story Capsules Dialogues focuses on conducting personal history video interviews with residents in retirement communities across the country. These videos are shared with the residents' friends and family, ensuring their stories are cherished and remembered.

A year later, Story Capsules Living Legacies was founded with the goal of conducting research on residents with dementia or other memory issues to create short biographies that offer insight into their lives. These biographies are shared with nurses and staff at assisted-living homes to help them better connect with and care for the residents.

Entirely run by high school students, Story Capsules provides these services free of charge.

Story Capsules has operated in:





New Jersey

North Carolina

North Dakota




